Mormon Truth Uncensored #'s 6-9-Discussing The PBS Documentary "The Mormons" With Demon Of Kolob.
MTU #6-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 1
MTU #7-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 2
MTU #8-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 3
MTU #9-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 4
This is parts 1-4, with Demon of Kolob and myself, discussing the PBS Documentary entitled "The Mormons", which was shown on April 30 and May 1, 2007 on PBS.
The purpose and necessity of this podcast, was for us to be able to tell the "real truth" and "complete truth" regarding Mormonism and what was covered and not covered in this Documentary.
We felt the need to talk openly to the world and especially those Mormons that are currently on the fence and those that are currently investigating Mormonism and to tell the whole, complete truth, that wasn't covered by or discussed in this documentary, as there was a lot that was missed or intentionally not mentioned.
Mormon missionaries are lying to the world every single day, just doing what they've been taught and trained to do, both growing up and in the MTC specifically, and someone has to have the back of the innocent people that are being lied to and completely deceived by the Mormon snake oil salesmen.
This documentary surprisingly covered a lot of important and very controversial things, but also left out a ton of things and important details, that are very important for people to know, when they are making the life changing/family altering decision of deciding whether to stay in or join and dedicate themselves to the Mormon church/cult.
I will put the audio links to all 4 parts, right here on this post, as well as adding some additional informative links, so stay tuned here to Mormon Truth Uncensored, for this podcast and many more to come.
If you haven't already subscribed through iTunes, fell free to do so, by following the link to the right.
Hopefully our insights will help a lot of people out there and we look forward to your comments here on the Mormon Truth Uncensored Podcast blog.
You can also Email us directly:
Samuel the Utahnite
Labels: Apologists, Boyd K. Packer, corruption, cult, Dallin H. Oaks, Daniel C Peterson, Disgrace, Documentary, fraud, Gordon B. Hinckley, half-truths, Helen Whitney, LDS, lies, Mormon, PBS, The Mormons