Saturday, May 05, 2007

Mormon Truth Uncensored #'s 6-9-Discussing The PBS Documentary "The Mormons" With Demon Of Kolob.

MTU #6-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 1

MTU #7-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 2

MTU #8-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 3

MTU #9-Discussing "The Mormons"-Part 4

This is parts 1-4, with Demon of Kolob and myself, discussing the PBS Documentary entitled "The Mormons", which was shown on April 30 and May 1, 2007 on PBS.

The purpose and necessity of this podcast, was for us to be able to tell the "real truth" and "complete truth" regarding Mormonism and what was covered and not covered in this Documentary.

We felt the need to talk openly to the world and especially those Mormons that are currently on the fence and those that are currently investigating Mormonism and to tell the whole, complete truth, that wasn't covered by or discussed in this documentary, as there was a lot that was missed or intentionally not mentioned.

Mormon missionaries are lying to the world every single day, just doing what they've been taught and trained to do, both growing up and in the MTC specifically, and someone has to have the back of the innocent people that are being lied to and completely deceived by the Mormon snake oil salesmen.

This documentary surprisingly covered a lot of important and very controversial things, but also left out a ton of things and important details, that are very important for people to know, when they are making the life changing/family altering decision of deciding whether to stay in or join and dedicate themselves to the Mormon church/cult.

I will put the audio links to all 4 parts, right here on this post, as well as adding some additional informative links, so stay tuned here to Mormon Truth Uncensored, for this podcast and many more to come.

If you haven't already subscribed through iTunes, fell free to do so, by following the link to the right.

Hopefully our insights will help a lot of people out there and we look forward to your comments here on the Mormon Truth Uncensored Podcast blog.

You can also Email us directly:

Samuel the Utahnite

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At Sun May 06, 11:56:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The documentary did indeed mention that Smith had married married women. I was shocked when they said that. Of course, we already knew that, but you guys were wondering if the documentary had mentioned that and they did indeed.

At Mon May 07, 03:43:00 PM 2007, Blogger Elder Joseph said...

This documentary let alot of skeletons out of the closet . To see Dan Peterson talking about a head in a hat was very Therapeutic ! lol

To see Grant Palmer speak about The Book Of Mormon being a 19th century fictional work and not a Literal history was great too . lol

To hear Joseph Married 11 married women should be a stunner for Mormons .I can only imagine what they might be thinking ??

It seems to me that this documentary could be the beginning of more questioning for many members . I was told by an active mormon in the USA that his ward was told about the film and recommended to watch it with approval ! lol

I must admit , I was surprised that the Documentary was so well researched , The Producer has certainly 'investigated ' the church herself ..... and she didn't join ?? lol I guess she didn't feel the spirit , especially when you learn the true version .


At Thu May 10, 03:34:00 PM 2007, Blogger Demon of Kolob said...

Part 2 has been recorded

At Thu May 17, 11:06:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the link to the The Book of Zelph
that you guys were talking about. It really is funny!

At Thu Jun 07, 10:54:00 AM 2007, Blogger Elder Joseph said...


This 4 part discussion with demon is fun , I've been listening on the way to work and I've laughed my pants right off ...

I don't know what it's like to have been a member all your life and then come to the reality of it all . You do well to be able to laugh about it now , but I know the anger was there at the beginning .I can hear it in your first podcasts , the desperation to tell the world and warn us all ..... you must have felt lonely , wondering how to reach out to us ..

Well we found you and it would be great to see you tackle some of the church leaders directly , but you might want to punch them for all they've done to you !

keep up the good work .


I'm counteracting my missionaries all the time .One of them mailed me from back home and finally admitted he has some concerns ! Remember one saved soul is important as it says somewhere in D&C ! lol

At Thu Jun 07, 11:27:00 AM 2007, Blogger Samuel the Utahnite said...

Thanks everyone for your comments and hopefully you've all enjoyed this 4 part podcast, as it's been downloaded thousands of times.

I'm glad that you enjoyed part 4 Elder Joseph and were able to have a good laugh with us, as sometimes we just have to laugh to keep our sanity.

That's great news from the missionary that is now possibly doubting...hopefully he'll find his way out sooner than later, thanks to you.

It was very hard in the beginning and is easier to deal with as time goes by. What is still very hard for me, is knowing that this evil cult continues to lie and destroy individuals and families every single day.

Anyway, I also wanted you Elder Joseph and everyone else out there reading this, to know that I have a brand new podcast entitled "Mormon Truth Stories." It will consist of ex-Mormons telling their stories but with the ability to record their own story or have a friend interview them.

I can publish an infinite amount of these stories, as I have unlimited bandwidth and I'm psyched about it and the freedom that it will give everyone to share their journey with the world.

Demon of Kolob kicked off the podcast(thanks a ton Demon and Chad), by interviewing his good friend Chad and then Chad interviewed him.

Some people are too shy to be interviewed by me, a stranger and feel more comfortable either recording it themselves, alone, or having a close friend or spouse interview them. I will still interview people as well, but this opens it up to EVERYBODY, which is awesome.

Anyway, I've submitted it to iTunes and I'm just waiting for approval. In the meantime, you can go to the new blog and listen to them or download them with the link.

The link to the new blog is:

Mormon Truth Stories

Spread the word everyone, as it should be on iTunes later on today or early tomorrow. I'll post the subscribe link as soon as it's available.

Take care everyone and thanks for all of your support and effort to help free people from this evil brainwashing cult of lies, fraud and deception.


At Thu Jun 07, 06:36:00 PM 2007, Blogger Samuel the Utahnite said...

Okay, the new podcast has been officially approved, and as promised, I have the new subscriber link to the brand new Mormon Truth Stories Podcast, for those that want to subscribe:

Click Here To Subscribe to Mormon Truth Stories

For those that don't have iTunes, you can visit the link I posted above to the blog, where you can either listen to the podcasts right on the blog or download the podcast manually, to listen to at your own leisure on your PC, iPod, Nano, etc.

Enjoy everyone and please send me your stories or get in touch with me if you want me to interview you or you need help with software suggestions, so that you can record your own story or interview a friend.

Spread the word guys and I'll be posting this on my main blog as well. The podcast is not officially listed yet in the directory of iTunes, but should be there later tonight or by tomorrow at the latest.

Once that happens, people will see it and begin subscribing. For those that chat at different sites, please let everyone know about this podcast and post the links for them.

I think RFM is about the only place I know off that will not allow this podcast or any podcast or blog, to be discussed or linked to, but I guess you can try.

Thanks everyone for your help and support and a special thanks once again to Demon and Chad, who helped kick off this podcast for all of us and I'm sure Demon will have many more contributions and interviews as we continue forward with great, new podcast.

This podcast is truly for all of you ex-Mormons out there with a story to tell, that just needed a place to tell it. Now you have that place and we look forward to hearing your experiences and hope that it will help all of you, both listeners and contributors.



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